Alongside the release of the Magneto, Strymon is releasing the AA.1 So what is it? Well it's a bridge between the world of guitar and that of Eurorack and Synth-Modular. Small rack in 4HP format, it is an amplification and attenuation module with everything you need to interface your modular with effects pedals, your guitar or your bass. The specs are as follows: at the input (stereo) an amp with +18 dB of gain and at the output an attenuator allowing the gain to be lowered to -18 dB. For eurorackiens, it is fed by +12/-12/+5.
With the Strymon AA.1, you can literally integrate and mix everything within these two separate worlds.
For example:
- Use a guitar or bass as an audio source
- Patching an effect pedal within a eurorack system
- Send a stereo instrument level to your audio interface
In general, Euroracks send and enter audio signals with very high levels. These can overload the input stage of a pedal or an interface. The AA.1 solves this problem by adapting the input and output levels to the hardware used.
Strymon is once again hitting hard with a big kick in the world of modular. This first try is hardly transformed that we are already impatient to see what the Californian geeks are preparing for their next masterstroke!
Gain: +18dB
Max Input Level (before soft clipping): 2.25Vpp
Max Output: 18Vpp
Input Impedance: 1MΩ
Output Impedance: 1kΩ
20Hz – 20kHz, +/- 1dB
Gain: -18dB
Max Input Level (Nominal): 20Vpp
Max Output Level (Nominal): 2.5Vpp
Input Impedance: 8 kΩ
Output Impedance: 880Ω
20Hz – 20kHz, +/- 1dB
+12V track: 10mA max
-12V rail: 10mA max
+5V rail: 0mA
4 HP Eurorack format module
Rack Depth: 1.5″ (38mm)

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